Our group focuses on the design, implementation and evaluation of scalable tools for genomic sequence analysis (Bioinformatics) and computational science applications. Our approach is based on using modern high performance computing (HPC) technologies (such as CUDA-enabled GPUs and GPU clusters) in order to design efficient parallel algorithms that serve as a foundation for a wide variety of tools such as multiple sequence aligners, de-novo genome assemblers, short-read aligners, short-read clustering and sequence database searching tools. Our methods and tools are often developed in collaboration with interdisciplinary partners at JGU Mainz, such as the Department of Biology, the Mainz Medical School, and the Institute of Molecular Biology.
For the pioneering work in the area of CUDA-enabled bioinformatics, we have been awarded the status of a GPU Research Center and a GPU Education Center.
The High Performance Computing Research Group offers the following Lectures, Seminars, and Lab Courses:
In the Summer Term:
In the Winter Term: